Date: 2024-06-20

The Summary

My CalyxOS phone phone died, and they didn't have any in stock, so I
ordered the Terracube phone by Murena /e/OS phone.
So far it's been a "meh" kind of experience. The underlying issue is that I
really hate Android, but there are some things that /e/OS could do better.


First, I think it's important to note that I really dislike Android. It's a
terrible, locked-down OS that intentionally makes it hard to get things
done. I suspect this is mostly to keep people from modifying it, thus
keeping it dependent on Google. I'm very happy that organizations like
/e/OS are fighting against them and providing options.

This will likely be a fairly negative review, but I want to make it clear
that I'm glad /e/OS exists, and put the majority of the blame for the
experience on Google.


Here are some more specific thoughts:


I suspect that a lot of these problems were due to me buying the low-end
phone from Murena. They didn't have any of the higher-end phones that I
wanted in stock, and I was on a time-crunch, so I couldn't wait around. I
also think that a lot of these are things that could be improved with time,
if they are so motivated, and I hope they are. Overall, it's not a bad phone,
but it falls into the normal Android pitfalls, and it doesn't bring anything
to the table that excites me more than the CalyxOS phone. I give it a
tentative recommendation, but only because the market for smart phones is
so poor. I do wish them luck, however, and I'd be willing to try out newer
iterations as they come out.